Thursday, June 08, 2006

Some questions for ID card suppliers

William Heath is suggesting any potential suppliers of systems or components of the UK Id card system should be seriously asking themselves these questions:

"- Does the end customer want this? Do people want it? Do Departments (OGDs in govspeak) and does business want it?
- Does it all work in a way that fits natural patterns of human behaviour?
- Is there a clear business case?
- Is it a credible solution to a worthwhile problem?
- Is it consistent with Departmental responsibility and Ministerial accountability via Accounting Officers (Perm Secs)?
- Is it consistent with government policy on choice and devolution?
- Will it work on-line? Is it headed where the Internet seems to be headed, according to the best contemporary thinking available?
- Is the right bit of government in charge? Will OGDs respect the lead and fall into line?
- Is the client department competently led and managed? Are its accounts clean, its staff high-calibre and in high morale?
- Was the security risk assessment done properly? Did it come out OK?
- This looks as if it will start. But are they going to finish?"

In other words,

What's it for?
Will it work?
What happens if it doesn't work?
Is it worth the risk of being associated with it?

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