Monday, December 05, 2005

Parliamentary drm enquiry

From the All Party Internet Group website: "(APIG)The All Party Parliamentary Internet Group (APIG) is to hold a public inquiry into the issues surrounding Digital Rights Management (DRM)...

The inquiry seeks written evidence particularly focusing upon the following:

Whether DRM distorts traditional tradeoffs in copyright law;
Whether new types of content sharing license (such as Creative Commons or Copyleft) need legislation changes to be effective;
How copyright deposit libraries should deal with DRM issues;
How consumers should be protected when DRM systems are discontinued;
To what extent DRM systems should be forced to make exceptions for the partially sighted and people with other disabilities;
What legal protections DRM systems should have from those who wish to circumvent them;
Whether DRM systems can have unintended consequences on computer functionality;
The role of the UK Parliament in influencing the global agenda for this type of technical issue.

APIG calls upon interested parties to present written evidence to the inquiry before 21st December 2005.

Written evidence should be submitted to APIG may, at its discretion, ask for oral evidence from witnesses in January 2006 at the Houses of Parliament."

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