Kieran McCarthy has some advice for opponents of software patents in Europe, on persuading politicians of the merits of their case - appeal to their egos. HE suggests there are three things to avoid
1. Ideological arguments - because politicians move with the prevailing winds
2. Little people defence - politicians don't like picking fights with the powerful, as it can damage their careers
3. Criticism - politicians don't like to be told they are stupid and just don't get it. (No more than anyone else!) Better to ride the ego, wine and dine, tell them how clever they are and then explain your perspective in easy to manage chunks or soundbites. They understand, for example, the argument that 'patents encourage innovation and investment and that harmonising laws make things simpler everywhere'. They don't get the argument that 'patents (ans software patents in particular) can restrict innovation in some circumstances because...[add here any one of umpteen complex justifications for the anti software patent stance] ....' If you cannot make your point in 3 or 4 seconds you just will not get through.
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