Wednesday, July 06, 2005

BPI sue collection agencies

The united front of the music labels and the songwriter and publisher collecting agencies in relation to their concern over online copyright infringement has been breached, in the UK at least.

Never the best of friends the labels and the collecting agencies at least both agreed on the damage they saw been done to their interests by online sharing of copyrighted works. Now the BPI are charging that the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) and the Performing Right Society (PRS)are being unreasonable with their royalty demands for music sold legally via the Net. On the surface, you'd say they have a case. Royalties on CDs are 6.5%. The fee proposed for downloads is 12%. Standard negotiating procedure in my book - start high and when the other side complains agree to come down a bit. I expect this will eventually get settled out of court.

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