Tuesday, January 22, 2008

IFPI new tactics - get EU to mandate copyright extension, censorship and ISP spying

The entertainment industry has taken its fight for corporate welfare to Europe.

"The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) has been lobbying Euro-parliamentarians to introduce ISP filtering and blocking across Europe, and pushed to get language supporting these ideas into this report. EFF briefed the committee members on why this would be a terrible idea for privacy, Europe ue process, free expression - and wouldn't work to stop infringement.

So now IFPI has changed tactics. A new amendment, number 82, has popped up, proposing EU-wide law that would extend EU copyright terms "to protect artists who risk seeing their work fall within the public domain in their lifetime, and to consider the competitive disadvantage posed by less generous protection terms in Europe than in the United States".

(The UK's Gowers report already put pay to both of these canards: artists hardly benefit from extensions 95 years after they recorded the song. And there's no "competitive advantage" when extending EU copyright terms means you're paying foreign rightsholders more by charging your own citizens extra.)"

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