Thursday, May 13, 2004

Brendan O'Neill at Spiked has a conspiracy theory in his sights about the leaking of the torture photos from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

The photos from Abu Ghraib may have only recently been published
but many in the American media have known of their existence for

... Whether or not it was military figures in the Pentagon who leaked the
photos to the press, some of them have certainly used the ensuing
scandal to launch attacks against the civilian leadership in the
Department of Defence over the war in Iraq, specifically against
Donald Rumsfeld. One 'senior general at the Pentagon' told the
Washington Post: 'I do not believe we had a clearly defined war
strategy…. [Rumsfeld] refused to listen or adhere to military advice.'
A special forces officer said: 'Rumsfeld needs to go, as does Paul
Wolfowtiz [Rumsfeld's deputy].' (14)

In an unprecedented move, the Army Times, the US military
newspaper that gets distributed to American forces around the
world, published an editorial in the wake of the torture scandal calling
for Rumsfeld to resign, describing the torture scandal as 'a failure of
leadership from start to finish'. "

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